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Eliminate QuickBooks Error 6131 0: Can’t Open Company File

fix quickbooks error 6131 0

It is quite common to experience problems when accessing company files in QuickBooks. One of the most challenging issues that you might face is QuickBooks error 6131 0. Generally, this glitch occurs when you attempt to open company files using multi-user mode.

A major reason for this error is corruption in the configuration files (network file and transaction log file). When these files don’t function properly, you are likely to experience difficulties when accessing your company data. Another probable factor behind this problem is the outdated QB application.

Fortunately, there are several tried & tested troubleshooting methods that you can use whenever you come across this error. Alright, then, let’s move into the article to explore the fundamental reasons behind this issue and learn how we can eliminate it.

If you need instant help to fix QuickBooks error 6131 0, you can dial +1-(855)-955-1942 to connect with a QB professional.

Why Do You Face QuickBooks Company File Error Code 6131 0?

You might run into QuickBooks error 6131 0 due to the following significant factors:

  • You may not have installed the recent QB updates, and thus, the software might have become incompatible with Windows.
  • Improper multi-user hosting configuration on various systems connected to the network is a common cause of this issue.
  • You might have been running an older Windows version, which may not sync with your current QuickBooks edition.
  • Damaged configuration files can hinder access to the server from workstations when you try to open data files.
  • Windows Firewall may not allow certain QB programs to function on your computer by improperly categorizing them as a security threat.
  • Your antivirus app might block specific QB programs from running on the system.
  • You may not be able to connect to the company file folder if it is already damaged.
  • Defects in the company data can trigger multiple problems when you run QuickBooks Desktop.
  • Third-party programs functioning in the background can disrupt the proper operation of QB Desktop on your computer.

Now that you know about the main reasons behind this issue, let’s proceed to the following section to discover how to fix it.

12 Powerful Methods to Troubleshoot QuickBooks Error 6131 0

Here are the proven resolutions that you need to implement each time you encounter QuickBooks error 6131 0. Ensure that you utilize these hacks in the order described below.

1. Install QuickBooks Application Updates

When you are using an older QB Desktop version, you don’t have access to the latest tools & features. As a result, you are likely to experience various problems, such as the QB error message code 6131 0. The easiest way to overcome these issues is to install QuickBooks updates. Once you do so, you can easily operate QB Desktop & access your company data.

If, however, you still run into QuickBooks error 6131 0, try implementing the following troubleshooting method.

2. Check the Multi-User Hosting Configuration

You cannot open your company files saved on the server if you don’t ensure a proper multi-user hosting setup. The server system should operate as a host for the company file on the network, while other systems, called workstations, must function normally. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Firstly, access any workstation, open QB, and move to the File menu.
  • Choose Utilities and click the Stop Hosting Multi-User Access option.

stop hosting multi-user access

  • The workstation will stop operating as a multi-user host on your network. You need to repeat the previous two steps on the remaining workstations.
  • At this point, move to the server computer and access QB Desktop.
  • Jump to File and choose the Utilities tab. After that, you have to mark the Host Multi-User Access option.
  • The server computer will operate as a host on your network. Now, you can open company files saved on the server from each workstation.

Do you still encounter QuickBooks error 6131 0? If that’s the case, consider installing Windows updates, as explained below.

3. Download Windows Updates On Your Computer

When you are running an outdated Windows version, QuickBooks might not function properly on your computer. The reason is that the older Windows versions do not have the necessary tools & features that sync with QB Desktop. To overcome this difficulty, you should install Windows updates on your computer. This will enable you to easily operate QB and access your company data.

install windows updates

If, however, you still encounter QuickBooks error 6131 0, consider renaming your configuration files as detailed below.

4. Rename Your QB Configuration Files

The configuration files, viz. Transaction log file (.tlg) and network data file (.nd), enable you to open company files in a multi-user environment. Any corruption in these files will trigger problems such as error code 6131 0 and error 6000 77. To overcome this issue, you must rename these files. Here’s how to do so:

  • Firstly, access the folder that currently holds your company file on the server.
  • Identify two files with the relevant file extensions (.nd and .tlg) and right-click the icons of these files. For example: compfiletechup.qbw.nd and compfiletechup.qbw.tlg

How to Rename the.ND and .TLG Files

  • Choose Rename and add a new word, such as OLDTECH, at the end of the file’s name: compfiletechup.qbw.nd.OLDTECH and compfiletechup.qbw.tlg.OLDTECH
  • Tap Enter, and you can easily access the company files saved on the server.

Do you still face QuickBooks error 6131 0? If so, try revising your Windows Firewall settings as described below.

5. Reorganize Your Windows Firewall Settings

Windows Firewall might block specific QB programs from running on your system. This happens when the Windows Firewall app perceives QB programs as a security threat. Consequently, you may fail to access your company files. The only way to resolve this issue is to exempt QB programs from Windows Firewall. Once you do so, you can seamlessly open your company files.

If, however, you continue to face QuickBooks error 6131 0, try using the following solution.

6. Create Antivirus App Exclusions For QB Programs

The antivirus software can inadvertently regard specific QB programs as a security threat and, subsequently, block them from running on the system. This hinders you from opening your company files. The easiest way to resolve this difficulty is to exclude QB programs in antivirus software. Once you do so, you will be able to run QB Desktop seamlessly and access your company data.

Do you still run into QuickBooks error 6131 0? If so, try stopping third-party apps from running in the system background, as illustrated below.

7. Stop Third-Party Apps Running in the Background

Sometimes, third-party apps keep functioning in the background on your system. This causes a lack of system resources for QB Desktop. In such cases, you might fail to open company files due to issues such as error 6131 0 and error code 6154. The correct way to fix this problem is to stop third-party programs running in the background. Here’s how you can do so:

  • Firstly, you can press Ctrl + Alt + Delete to open up the Task Manager window.
  • Navigate to the Task Manager and choose the Processes menu.

navigate to the task manager

  • At this point, select various third-party apps that are currently running in the background.
  • Click the End Task button to immediately restrict third-party programs functioning in the background. After that, you can start opening your QB company files.

If, however, you still run into QuickBooks error 6131 0, consider repairing your system files as illustrated below.

8. Scan & Repair Your System Files

Any corruption in system files can trigger multiple issues when you run QB Desktop. This can prevent you from accessing your company data. Fortunately, there is an easy way to fix your system files by running the System File Checker tool. This amazing utility instantly scans your system files and repairs them, eventually allowing you to utilize QB to access your data files.

operate the system file checker utility

Do you still notice QuickBooks Desktop error 6131 0? If so, consider implementing the following troubleshooting hack.

9. Copy the Company File to Windows Desktop & Access It

Damage in your QB company file folder can hinder access to the company data. The simple way to fix this issue is to copy the company file to Windows Desktop. After that, you can easily open the copied company file. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Firstly, open the company file folder and right-click the company file (.qbw).
  • Choose Copy and navigate to Windows Desktop. After that, right-click anywhere on Windows Desktop to select Paste.
  • At this point, open QB Desktop while pressing & holding down the Ctrl key.

no company open

  • Navigate to the No Company Open window, and you must choose the Open or Restore an Existing Company option.
  • Finally, move to Windows Desktop and open the copied company file.

If, however, you continue to notice QuickBooks error code 6131 0, consider repairing your company file as discussed below.

10. Repair Your QB Company File

Any damage in the company file will prevent you from opening it. The easiest way to repair your company file is to utilize QuickBooks File Doctor. This tool is present in QuickBooks Tool Hub, and it can also resolve common network problems. Running this utility will ensure that you can access your company file effortlessly.

run quickbooks file doctor

If, however, you continue to get the 6131 0 error message in QuickBooks, try using the QB Install Diagnostic Tool as explained below.

11. Run the QuickBooks Install Diagnostic Tool

An improper QB Desktop installation can cause internal glitches when opening your company files. The correct way to resolve these difficulties is to operate the QuickBooks Install Diagnostic Tool. This advanced utility is located in QuickBooks Tool Hub, and it can easily repair your QB application. Once you run this tool, you can seamlessly start accessing your company files. 

quickbooks install diagnostic tool

Do you still face QuickBooks error 6131 0? If so, try turning off the UAC feature as described below.

12. Disable the User Account Control (UAC) Feature

The User Account Control (UAC) feature ensures optimum protection for your Windows components. Sometimes, however, it can restrict QB from running correctly on your computer. Consequently, you might fail to open your company files due to problems such as error 6131 0 and error message code 6176. The only way to fix this problem is to turn off the UAC feature. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Tap Windows + R to open the Run window and type the Control Panel command.
  • Click OK and move to User Accounts in the Control Panel.


  • Choose User Accounts (Classic View), and you need to click Change User Account Control Settings.
  • At this point, move the slider to Never Notify and click OK.

Finally, you can reopen your system and launch QB Desktop to access your company files.

Winding Up

In this extensive guide, we have discussed several troubleshooting methods for QuickBooks error 6131 0. Hopefully, you can now access your company files effortlessly. If, however, you still experience various difficulties or have a query, you can connect with a QB professional for immediate assistance.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I get the error message 6131 in QuickBooks?

You might face QuickBooks error 6131 0 due to various causes, such as outdated Windows, restrictive UAC settings, damaged system files, and faulty multi-user hosting settings. In addition, interference by security programs, such as Windows Firewall, can trigger this problem. 

How do I resolve QuickBooks error code -6131?

To fix QuickBooks error 6131 0, you should do the following:
a. Install QuickBooks Desktop updates.
b. Repair your system files.
c. Review your QB multi-user hosting configuration on different systems.
d. Utilize QuickBooks File Doctor to fix your company data.
e. Turn off the User Account Control (UAC) feature.
f. Run the QB Install Diagnostic Tool. 

Can third-party programs cause the QuickBooks company file error 6131 0?

Third-party programs running in the background can trigger QuickBooks error 6131 0. This is because these programs consume a lot of system resources, and consequently, QB Desktop stops functioning properly on the computer. To overcome this difficulty, you have to stop third-party programs running in the background. 

Robert Downe SEO Editor
Robert is an accounting professional, well versed in many accounting software. He has established himself as a QuickBooks expert over the past ten years. Robert finds great joy in assisting businesses and accountants all over the country so that they can manage their finances seamlessly. He does so individually and through his blogs.

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